Jeep Wrangler YJ Track Bar Removal

Jeep YJ Track Bar Removal

Removing track bars from a Jeep Wrangler YJ is a topic that is asked over and over and over ….etc ..etc ..etc .. well you get the point. I pulled mine and wished I had done it a long time ago! Rides better and handles just fine.

I just want to say this. Just because I feel safe and comfortable running without track bars doesn’t mean that everyone is comfortable with it. If you want to leave yours on then, by all means, leave them on. No harm no foul. I present this mod to answer the question that constantly is being asked. It is your call if you leave your track bars on or off.

So, wanna check out the video of removing the track bars? Just click here to check it out!


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Posted on

October 2, 2018

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