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Testing cylinder compression in a Jeep

Do you have an old Jeep that uses oil? You may want to test the engine compression to see if you have a leaky set of rings, burnt valve or blown head gasket.

Honestly it is more than just Jeeps. I’ve driven old cars all my life and have had to test compression on many of them. Some were just simply wore out engines that needed a rebuild. Some had blown head gaskets. Testing compression is how you find out what it ailing the engine and which cylinder.

It isn’t a hard process but it is time consuming to do it correctly. You have to test each cylinder in different ways. First test each cylinder dry and document the compression number for each. Then come back and do it again shooting a bit of oil in the spark plug holes to seal the rings.

In this video I simply demonstrate how the compression tester works. I don’t to a thorough diagnostic of each cylinder. I will do that in a later video.

Want to go straight to the YouTube video? Click here for Testing the compression on a Jeep 4.0.

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